Love, that's all I need, yet, is one thing I lack of.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hey again. Totally not in the mood for this but I felt I needed to update...

First: I went to see the new Rambo movie yesterday, it frigging rocks!! the special effects are amazing, you can actually see blood spilling all over the place when people get shot and crap, also, the bomb part was the best thing since e-mail.


it's a really good movie, I recommend. But don't fucking go watching it without watching the other movies first.

Also: new batman movie, a sequel to Batman Begins, it'll be called "Batman, The Dark Knight" Sounds cheesy...

Apparently, the guy acting as the joker died recently, I don't know if he died during the filming or after, don't go asking me. What I'm sure is, it has delayed the movie.

New on my blog: A friends section, Added a few friend's blog and such, be sure to check them out(and laugh at Gerar's myspace)

I got some other things to talk about, related to the world of anime and manga, I'll be sure to talk about that the next time :S

Song: Heels over head, by Boys like Girls.


Anonymous said...

ok the dark knight thing.. it's batman's original comic if i am not mistaken.. and looking foward to the anime stuff gundam yay =D

Anonymous said...

At least i don't post emo stuff =D

that much... xDDDD

Zeth said...

U don't post.

I win.

Anonymous said...

your's and gerar birthyear sucks so...

I win =D

Anonymous said...

Hey this Pao/Ryou. I haven't watch Rambo yet. Hopefully, I'll watch Rambo when it hit the budget movie. Also I can't wait till Batman come out too. I was disappointed on the first one. So let see how the second one be like.

Anonymous said...

yes...he is a freak indeed...