Sweet & Bitter Christmas

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Well guys. It's been a while since I uploaded ANYTHING. I have several valid excuses for this(or so he thinks)

First, I had to sit for History and Biology to finish my high school studies, no need to say but, I had a real tough time. Studiying and shit, all day at home. Sucks. This better be a lesson for me...

Second, I've been meaning to post for a while, sadly, I was either busy studying or spending time with my friends. Also, when I was free, I just felt too lazy to post.

Anyhow, sad stuff: I'm moving pretty soon, most people already knows that. And although I don't want to move, my parents are forcing me. It hurts to see my friends "trying" to convince me to stay when it's not even my decition. I feel bad enough...

Now, to cut right through this blog emoness. Good stuff happening: Well, Briana is back home, just for visiting, but she's here. I've been having a great time with her. going here and there with her. Mcdonals, movies, icecream. It's nice to have someone like you with me right now. Thank you...

More good stuff: my vacation trip. I'm going to visit my family and friends in venezuela, I'm also going to Houston to visit my uncle(best part of the trip In my opinion) I also get to meet with Briana there, she promised to show me around *_*(yeah, I'm that excited.

some videos:

(I uploaded that one, cool huh?)


Three cheers for Pablo Francisco.

Finally: Shame on me...

awww.Can't beliave I posted THIS T_T

Photo section:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

some great moments right there.

Now, to close the photo section a Christmas Staccato Strip comic:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

This is one LONG post eh? Well, it still lacks music :)

Music list for this update:

>Fall Out Boy - Yule Shoot Your Eye Out

>NickelBack ft Carlos Santana - Why don't you and I

>Lady Sovereigh - Love me or Hate me.

>Chemical Brothers - Bass Test.

>Alex Gaudino - Destination unknown

Well, that's it for now. I'm going abroad in two days, so don't expect anything for a month, good thing: I'll have my new laptop by that time...yay.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

DANIII TE EXTRAÑOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!....ajjaa creo que te lo digo todo el tiempo! bueno dani espero que la estes pasando chevre en venezuela. Un beso para tu family.